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Monday, August 22, 2011

Sorry For My Absence...

Where is that Cheap Sniveler?
I realize this blog doesn't have a lot of readers, but perhaps my one or two readers have been wondering why there have been no new posts. (Not likely, but bless you if are a reader and you have wondered!) And on top of my laziness, Google decided that this is a spam blog, and closed it down for about 6 months!

It's been a busy summer here, I've had a lot of projects at home. Of course, I've taken pictures and documented them, so that will result in a bunch of new money saving project posts once the madness subsides here. (Read: It's cold and miserable outside, and I have nothing better to do!) Projects include a garden pond, a storage shed, and a pig roaster - amongst other things - all with an eye toward getting the most for your hard earned dollars and avoiding mistakes that can turn a money saving project into a money pit if not done properly.

So I encourage you to sign up for my news feed or stop back to check in as the cold and snow sweeps in across the mountain west. Because a penny saved... is at least a nickel earned.